
quick insights & guidance

Make Progress Quickly

Integrating my approaches as a psychologist and executive coach, the Coaching Intensive is a focused, 3 hour experience for clients who are ready to hit the ground running.

The Coaching Intensive is designed to explore the root causes of personal and professional challenges while charting practical, evidence-based pathways toward improvement. 

Our time together will emphasize efficiency and effectiveness, providing real traction on the issues in front of you.

Focused and Efficient

The Coaching Intensive is a half-day, deep dive into your needs and goals. Our work will provide new insight about your situation, clarity on how to meet your needs, and a personalized action plan targeting the outcomes that you are hoping to achieve.

The time-limited nature of our engagement creates a high degree of focus and goal orientation. This can be especially helpful for professionals who are short on time but deeply invested in their personal and professional well-being. 

weathered gear

Designed to Help You:

  • Identify crucial patterns in how you relate to yourself and others
  • Clarify your deepest values and animating principles
  • Develop a working model of how your personal history informs your present-day challenges 
  • Learn new concrete strategies for working through stuck points in your leadership and relationships
  • Leverage your strengths at work and at home
  • Increase your conscious use of self-management skills
  • Shift your mindset from a problem orientation to one of possibility, equanimity, and joy
  • Relate more authentically to yourself and others

Coaching Intensive Logistics

Coaching Intensives are scheduled on Fridays from 9am-12pm ET. This time frame allows for three working sessions (45-50 mins each) balanced with intermittent breaks throughout. 

Coaching Intensives are available online and in my Asheville office.

Get Started Today

If you are looking to make progress quickly with your personal or professional growth, then call me today. We will talk about your situation and schedule your Coaching Intensive ASAP.